Need for Global Peace

How a man would feel satisfied and happy depends upon his personal tastes and attitudes but peaces in the family, social or national or global context is clear and well defined. It means that these spheres should be free from unbridled competitions, discrimination's and injustices, conflicts, disputes, battles, or war and other things that are harmful to the well-being of all. Man’s longing for peace is eternal. And a peaceful state of things is a key to his happiness, progress and prosperity. It has brought in glories in Literature, Arts and Architecture, different branches of knowledge social and economic development. Modern Culture and Civilization are blessings of peace. Glorious achievements of the Augustan Age or the Abbasiade Rule at Baghdad are some of the historical records of peaceful times. “Peace, dear nurse of arts, plenties and joyful birth,” – Shakespeare in the extract puts those beneficial advantages in a nutshell.

Human aspirations for his well being, happiness and prosperity are in his nature. Material resources are among the main ingredients required for their materialization. But there is a dearth of them. Hence individuals strive and vie; nations make great efforts and compete for them. So develops competitions, conflicts and in the long run skirmishes and wars. Moreover, on the one hand resourceful countries do not want to share their resources with others, on the other hand, they want to be richer and more powerful. Thus, there starts exploitation and squeezing of the weak and poor countries, aggressive disposition as well as warfare for capturing markets of less developed countries. Peoples of the latter have to buy goods at high prices; their local products are discouraged, leaving them poorer and the exporting ones richer.

As by the blessings of science and technology the world has become smaller, peoples as it were are living in a small village and countries have become much more interdependent. Wherever in the globe there is tension or conflict or unrest or battle it is bound to vibrate beyond the borders of a country. The prevalence of peace countrywide has become ineffective and global peace, an issue of exclusive importance. And the UNO was brought into existence for the fruition of mankind’s aspirations and attainment of the fruits of peace. Its Security Council is especially entrusted with the sacred task of preservation of peace, and prevention and resolution of armed conflicts. In addition to those the world body has to deal with many other matters. To mention a few, it has to attend problems and obstacles to peace as they affect all nations, and individual countries are helpless to solve or eliminate them.

Global action in many areas is necessary to pave the way for peace. Food shortage is alarmingly persistent in many countries. Countries such as Ethiopia, Sudan and other Sub Saharan areas have drought or no rainfall or little irrigation facilities causing the outbreak of famine and untold sufferings to peoples. Concerted action is needed, as access to food is a basic human right. Abject poverty and hunger are other destabilizing forces giving rise to grievances and unrest in many parts of the world. Almost half of 2.8 billion people live on less than $2 a day. And 44% of the poor live in South Asia alone. In East Asia the number of poor population living on less than $1 a day has been decreased but in South Asia and Latin America the number of poor population has been rising. (UNFPA’S State Of World Population Report, 2000). As the victims have little money or are jobless, trafficking in women and drugs have flourished alarmingly and are insurmountable obstacles to world peace, human honor and dignity. The NATO in one of its surveys in 1993 treated drug trafficking “as one of the negative inputs for global peace”. It is now encouraging to note that global concern is now centered on poverty alleviation. The Rio Conference of 1992 urged upon all states and people to co-operate to eradicate poverty as essential for sustainable development. Many international agencies and donor countries are increasing or opening up micro credit funds to assist the poorest. The first Micro Credit Summit held in 1998 fledged to provide for a hundred million world’s poorest families. Financial assistance or investment in the poor countries for creating job opportunities is also attended to, yet much remain to be done to see tangible mitigation or eradication of poverty. Environmental pollution and global warming are still other threats to human existence. They are man made and products chiefly of industrially developed countries. Yet some of them such as USA is not willing to slow down warming by cutting its carbon emission in 2010, although she agreed to do so in the Convention on Climate Change held at Kyoto in 1997.

The armed conflict in different parts of the world is much greater danger than the ones discussed. Let us examine a few dangerous spots: Palestine, Kashmir and Chechnya. The creation of the Jewish state in the middle of 20th century by the West, Britain in particular, unleashed manifold problems and hostilities in the Middle East. The West’s support for it was blind. They assisted it economically and militarily and made it an aggressive and expansionist state in the region. The occupation in 1967 by Israel of Arab Lands exposed its evil design. It forced millions of Arabs to taking shelter in neighboring states as refugees. Despite the UNO resolutions to give back Arab territories, Israel continued its occupation. By the Camp David Treaty Israel returned Egyptian Land but went on with its occupation of Golan Heights, Gaza Strip. West Bank, etc. America supported by the West took initiative in the late 1990’s to solve the problem. An agreement was reached to return most of the land to Palestine on the land for peace principle mainly, till the final determination of the Palestine Statehood was agreed upon along with settlement of the most crucial crucial questions of Jerusalem and the refugees. Israel dawdled to hand over the specific land proceed with other matters in harmony with the time schedule of the agreement. Demonstrations broke out. More than 400 people, mostly Palestinians were killed by Israel armed forces and its air raids. Yet no condemnation of Israel’s brutality and excesses. Palestinians leadership urged for the UNO investigation. Israel was violently against it and the West Kept mum. Then Palestine’s insistence for deploying of UNO observers for protection was vehemently opposed and ultimately vetoed by USA in the UNO. What a double standard for America. Is it in tune with her professed role of a protector and promoter, globe wide, of democracy, self determination of people under subjection and rule of law, etc? Here is the grossest infringement of the principles of honor and justice. What a triumph of narrow and mean interest over conscience and sacred obligation to humanity!  

There was a shift in American stance towards Israel and Palestinians. When Barack Obama became the 44th president of the USA. His criticism of saying one thing and doing anotherspeaks volumes for his sincerity, honesty and deep concern. For many years he is the only American to ask Israel in strong words to freeze settlements because it goes against the peace process. It is also new that Obama administration asked Israel to clarify the recent 2010 West Bank raid by it killing three members of Fatah Movement and Israel had to explain. It is worth noticing that there were fewer incidents of rocket firings by Hamas and Israelis. In spite of all this peace process according to the Roadmap is stalled and a blockade of Gaza strip continues in a less severe form. All this is due alone to Israel’s arrogantly impervious attitude though dented.

Relation between the USA and Israel (March, 2010) was severely strained and precipated the worst crises in years as Israel announced the approval of 1600 new settlements on the day the American vice-president was in the region to initiate indirect talks between the Palestinians and Israel. Hillary Clinton in an unusually harsh language termed it as insulting. America, USSR, EU and UN Secretary General condemning it urged Israel to halt settlement. The quartet also expressed their deep concern about the situation in Gaza strip including humanitarian and human rights situation. This is a startling and unprecedented development that strengthened very strongly the stance of the USA since Barack Obama become president of America. America must seize upon the opportunity never within its reach before. Of course, Israel’s Prime Ministers meeting with the American President bore no fruits, Barack Obama did not move an inch from his position. There was no press conference or communiqué as is usual in such meetings.  

It seems Barack Obama saw how bad Israel could be which the incident had clearly demonstrated. We think he realizes now better the reality that is the Middle East, the Muslim world and right minded peoples of the globe look upon the Palestinian militants and suicide bombers as freedom fighters fighting to end Jewish occupation and state terrorism and understand why are so. The first two paras of my article why is the war on Terrorism and its effects”, pub : 11.3.2005 gives more of the reasons. To state briefly they do so when their just gust cause is most unjustly denied, when they have no other means to get their legitimate grievances redressed we are sure Obama has recognized that nothing has blackened America’s name in modern times than its too obvious, blind partisan support any country has shown to Israel both inside and outside of the UNO. Barack Obama ought now to acknowledge that Israel has become the Frankenstein created by the USA led West that needs urgently to be controlled or destroyed before damages irreparably or ruins its creator.

He has already understood that the settlement of the Palestinian problem is required for America interest and security. We demand him of his promise to use the prestigious Nobel award “to reach the world to be” and the citation of Nobel panel that states unmistakably the reasons for the award. They, we are very hopeful, will boost and sustain his all-out efforts like those he has exemplified in getting through (March, 2010) the historic Health Care Reform Package in the Congress on the top of it his high sense of humanity, unity and solidarity of mankind and Justice will goad him to try every possible means to settle the Palestinian problem during his presidency. Both humanity and justice have been is a worse crisis since 1967, the year of Jewish seizure of Palestinian’s lands. The writer is cocksure, if Obama does not do it, none will or can.  

Without having the attitude outlook and the unbending stance of the quarlet the western countries specifically the USA cannot solve problems in Chechnya and Kashmir. The whole of Chechnya population has been supporting the guerilas fighting for self determination. Russia bombarded Chechnya heavily and caused wide spread destruction. It committed barbarous massacre there and because he sought to tell the truth about the brutal war in Chechnya, Andrei Babitakiey, a Radio free Europe reporter was killed. The right of all peoples to self determination and the right of honest reporting are universally recognized and accepted principles of the UNO. Yet the world body could do nothing, as she is a large or strong and permanent member of Security Council. Kashmir people with their diverse guerillas in front are fighting since the mid twentieth century despite UNO resolutions for allowing them to decide whether they should be independent or are to continue to part of another state. There were two wars between India and Pakistan (now nuclear powers) over the question of Kashmir. Guerilla warfare with the full backing the Kashmiris is still raging. Many Kashmiris are killed. They are undergoing Indian repression’s and untold sufferings. Yet, India the largest democracy in the world is not willing, at all, to implement its pledge to the global body. And the latter is helpless as Russia unscrupulously supports Indian stand.   

We have seen that the great powers are, a great deal, responsible for the continuance of dangers to peace. And they can not also absolve themselves of their central part in the greatest threat that lurks in the shadows, owing to their existence of big arsenals and arms race among nations. In spite of the CTBT or disarmament conferences or treaties or some reduction of armaments, the arsenals of nations especially of the great powers are yet so replete with dreadful weapons as to cause horrible havoc in the world, nay one suspects, can destroy the whole world. But what is most distressing is that the largest and strongest states are the suppliers of defense equipments and thus become the preservers of armed conflicts or wars on the earth. This predicament to humanity is fraught with potentialities of terrible consequences and necessitates, as never before, the prevalence of peaceful conditions. Unless the veto power of the five permanent members of the Security Council as well as their permanent status is done away with, the world will for peace will be negated by the veto of a single country and global peace will remain forever a mirage or a chimera.